Monday, March 29, 2010


last week we discussed E.T. soundtrack and John Williams in aural skills.
this weekend i acquired the score for my ipod.
today i listened in car and almost wept.
tonight i rummage through video cassette collection. watch E.T. and shed a tear.

i always hope music like that will be a gateway to more orchestral music. i really like scores, but its hard to listen to a lot of classical/orchestral music because there's not much reason for me to relate to it. i've tried and i get bored because it feels foreign. i find that often happens when i listen to music because i feel like i should, rather than stumbling upon it. I may like that soundtrack because it makes me think of my childhood or maybe just the emotional quality of the movie, but at least i'm enjoying music. a lot of my music seems to be gateway music or like, hybrid music. i've realized that and i try to just go straight to the source but i don't always like it as much as my comfort music.

i hate the way i sound in my head when i read my typing language back to myself. i also hate how mean i am to myself. i hate the word blog.

1 comment:

sarahbriggs said...

i like it when you write. you have good wordss.