Friday, October 23, 2009

Accomplishment of the Week

I turned my test grade into a face.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Honoring God in your spiritual discipline becomes a lot easier when your your non-spiritual disciplines are executed as if He Himself asked you to do them.
my mother told me a story at the dinner table yesterday after i inquired about quirky things that i used to do when i was little. she told me that i used to take out all my toys when she was cooking dinner and spread them all over the floor in the kitchen so i could play while she was cooking. after she was done cooking she told me to put my toys back in my room. i would then get up, stare at the mess, look at my mom, and walk to my room and hide. patiently annoyed, my mom would follow me into my room and kindly remind me again that i had to clean up my mess. after repeating this a few times i finally walked back into the kitchen where i stood before my mess, overwhelmed by the task before me. after staring some more, i finally sat down and would slowly put each lego piece back into the bucket, one at a time. she couldn't get me to understand that i could get it all done in very little time if i simply scooped them all up at once.

she provided more detail and gestures that i cant portray in words, but the point is that i realized i haven't changed at all. i still do this. just not with legos.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"There is a culture of lies in white rock and and roll that you don't get in hip hop, jazz, or other areas, where people won't own up to their ambitions. So they pretend 'yeah man I'm just a punk rocker all i love is the music.' WRONG. If you love your music you're gonna wanna communicate- its about communication. Thats why you formed a band. No one formes a band unless they want to be the beatles, the rolling stones, the sex pistols, the clash or nirvana, you know? If you want a private little experience you can become a potter. Go buy yourself a potters wheel; go fuck off."


Friday, October 9, 2009

freaking wedddings

Friday, October 2, 2009