Saturday, September 26, 2009

i remember the days when i had to ask my parents how many seconds i had to put food in the microwave. i also remember the first time i made my own bowl of cereal. it had lots of water and a small handfull of corn flakes in it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

some of these come from experiences and some are just thoughts

i'm no cyclist, but i have to laugh when i see people riding through campus on a mountain bike thats too small, with the seat all the way down, in the highest gear possible. i've seen it at least three times, so i'm allowed to make fun of it.

if you are a girl and want a guy to think you are interested in him, its doesn't necessarily make him feel good to tell him you think he's "a nice guy." i don't know.

I used to think Apple commercials were cool, but i just feel like some of them are mean. or like half of them are just about how they are cool. i like my mac though.

i like how when you go to the doctor and you have that waiting time between the nurse and the doctor and the doctor knocks and then waits for a half a second before he walks in. so if you found something embarrassing to do within that 10 minutes you have just enough time to at least look undeniably caught when they walk in.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

every year it gets harder to not sing "have yourself a merry little christmas" out of season.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

dirty laundry is like cereal; the small sediment falls to the bottom.

Progressive church bands everywhere are performing Kings of Leon's "Use Somebody." Why? I don't know

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Things I thought about while walking to class in a non-punctual fashion

i do a lot of pointless things for no reason, yet i don't do a lot of things when i have plenty of reasons why i should.

sometimes i wonder (as i did today) if my life is like the truman show, and they just made the movie to mess with my head.

i like finding out that words we use in english have meaning in another language.

ex: chaise = chair
noir = black
Claire = bright
chat = doesn't have anything to do with instant messenger. it means cat.
je m'appele = them apples

Thursday, September 10, 2009

No Subject

i'm back. i was too busy when i was in the outer banks all summer to keep up. i edited one old post and deleted another one. i do this thing where i think that i matured enough in a period of a couple months to be able to look at stuff i said and want to punch myself in the face.
if you wish, i edited a post from 4/10 that i thought needed some revising. i hope to continue being a bloggerdude again.

i am going to fill out a survey for a free chilfila sandwich and then wash a penis drawing off the top of my car that has been there for too long.